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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Awesome Origami

I came across this entry on a blog, so I take absolutely no credit for this post.
I just wanted to share the total awesome-ness of all the orgamis that were made using dollar bills =) For the post from the blog, look below.

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"The goal of this art is to create a representation of an object using geometric folds and crease patterns preferably without the use of gluing or cutting the paper, and using only one piece of square paper."

dollarbillorigami2 pictures

Origami Money Shirt With Tie
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Origami Fish
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Origami Rhino
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Origami Cat
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Dollar Dude
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Origami Rooster
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Hang Glider
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Origami Apatosaurus
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Origami F-14 Airplane
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More Creative Dollar Bill Origami
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Signing off... ...

1 comment:

Rhinestic said...

The dollar bill camera very cute!!!