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Monday, May 11, 2009

Japan Places: Ghibli Museum

Exams just ended last Wednesday, but my special term has already started (urgh) so I thought I'd make a quick post before I get all busy again-

I'd like to introduce one place in Tokyo first... This post is for all Studio Ghibli fans =)

The Ghibli Museum is located in Mitaka and exhibits animation making processes as well as artifacts/replicas from their works. They also show short animation films that can only be viewed in the Museum, and no where else.

This museum is a must-go for all Studio Ghibli fans. A replica of the robot soldier from Laputa exists on the rooftop of the museum, amidst a wild garden. It is a wonderful place for children and fans alike, and even if you do not happen to watch Studio Ghibli's works, you will most likely still take to the cute characters and be sucked into the world of fantasy.

Ticket Information

Advance booking of the tickets is required, and since the museum is so popular, it is always recommended to buy the tickets as soon as you can.

This can be done within Japan at any LAWSON stores, or in certain places outside of Japan. Countries that you can buy tickets from include Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Australia, USA, Canada, France, UK and Italy. To find out more information about where in these countries you can buy your tickets, click here. Do take note that a handling fee may be necessary if you buy your tickets outside of Japan.

Do keep your eye on their operation days/hours though!

Ticket Prices are as follows:

Adults: 1,000 yen
13 - 18 years old: 700 yen
7 - 12 years old: 400 yen
4 - 6 years old: 100 yen

How to get there?

You can take the JR Chuo line to Mitaka station. From there, you can choose to walk to the Museum and enjoy the scenary or take the community bus.

A one-way trip on the community bus costs 200 yen while a round trip costs 300 yen. 

A map of the area from the Ghibli Museum website can be found here =)

Signing off... ...

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