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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Taxi Driver dumps 2 teenagers in forested area

This is absolutely OUTRAGEOUS. A few days ago, a taxi driver dropped 2 teenage girls at a deserted, pitch-black forested area after claiming that he was "afraid of the dark" and didn't know the way to the destination they wanted to go to.

He told them to pay for the cab fare and get out of the car. He claimed that he would guide them out using the car's headlights, but drove off after that. The girls were lost in the pitch-black area with nothing but their handphone lights to guide them, and what of the taxi driver? He got off with just a reprimand! Pardon my language, but WHAT THE HELL????!!!

I seriously am going to write in to the company, once I figure out what their email is. I can't believe this. I would go as far to say that the taxi driver deserves to be jailed! Taking into account that HE was the one who brought them to such a place, HE should take RESPONSIBILITY for their safety! How could he even drop them off in a FORESTED AREA that was far from the main road and had no lights??! They could have easily DIED! Mind you, they were no more than 14 year olds!

Thank the gods for handphones. Thank the gods that they HAD handphones with them. I cannot imagine what would have happened if they didn't have any way of contacting anybody. They came out of this traumatised and are in need of counselling, but at least they're alive.

I am absolutely disgusted.

Read about the full article here.

Signing off... ...

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