Custom Search

Monday, May 12, 2008


Warning: This post is more for girls!

Are you one of those who would walk into millions of shops a day looking for something but ended up getting nothing at all at the end of the day, feeling extremely exhausted and annoyed?

I am one of those.

During the period when it drove me up the wall (having searched for a pair of shoes for 2 weeks cause my current pair was dying), I found the joy of shopping online.

Almost anything can be shopped for online, especially for females. Clothing, Gadgets, Shoes, Caps/Hats, Accessories, Handphones... And the list can go on and on and on.

Anyway, after I caught on to the online shopping craze, I went a bit further to search for wholesale dealers... And ended up opening an online shop: ~* Blogshopperz *~ So now this blog has a new sister site =D

If any of you happen to be interested in anything there, do give me a buzz, yea? ;)

Signing off... ...
Shopping craze

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